We at Trinity are committed to radical inclusive hospitality.
Each Sunday and every day in between, we are given the opportunity to practice hospitality.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
Make friends with a child before church by asking them what their favorite animal is and why.
Stand in the rear of the church and greet people as they come in.
Go over and greet a newcomer in the pews and offer to sit with them.
Sit with or near a family with children so that you can support the parents with their children. (it takes a village)
Introduce newcomers to others, as you would if you were hosting a party in your own home.
(After all, we really are having a celebration together each week, right? Our holy dinner party.)
Go up to someone you haven't met and say, "Hi, my name is ________"
Put on your radar at coffee hour to notice if anyone, whether new or not so new at Trinity, is standing alone. Go over and ask them what they're looking forward to doing later in the week.
Join in with others after service for fellowship and refreshments.
Offer to go to a church event with someone new.
For more specific information concerning Hospitality, please contact:
Leslie McNair: ljmcnairpc@gmail.com OR Kathleen Theriot@cableone.net